This year’s membership dues are:
Regular $76.00
Senior $31.00 (65 years young + 15 consecutive years of membership)
Junior $37.00 (under 18)
Associate $30.00 (non-playing member)
Sr. Associate Free (65 years young, non-playing member)
New $87.00
$10.00 goes into the monthly Tournament Prize fund. Dues were decreased $1.00 this year. An extra $1.00 will go into the Hole-in-One fund.
Payment Deadline: Postmarked by Oct 31, 2004 – NO EXCEPTIONS - Late Fee: add $10.00
Please make check payable to the Oakland Chinese Golf Club and remit to:
Chuck Chinn
2531 Baywood Way
Richmond, CA 94804
(only info that has changes needs to be completed) (please print legibly)
Member’s Name _______________________________________
NCGA # ___________________ DoB _________________
Spouse’s or Significant Other’s Name ______________________
Street Address ________________________________
City __________________________ Zip ______________
Home # (____) ______________ Work # (____) _____________
E-Mail Address ________________________________________
Volunteerism is essential to keeping the club fun. Just a few hours a year from each member ensures the smooth running of tournaments, socials, and services that benefit us all. So, here’s your chance to step-up, commit to something you’d enjoy doing, and help out the club and your fellow members:
I’d like to help run a Tournament YES ( ) NO ( )
I’d like be on the Board next year YES ( ) NO ( )
Thanks for your cooperation, Chuck Chinn, VP and Membership Chair