OCGC 2006 Match Play Championship
Hello to all OCGC Match Play participants. Welcome to another year of exciting play. As in years past, this is a one-on-one, single elimination event. All players will have one month to complete their matches beginning on June 19th and culminating on or prior to November 19th. We will know then who our new 2006 Match Play Champion will be.
Opening matches will begin immediately with the following considerations:
- 100% difference of handicap strokes to be given to the higher handicapper.
a. Using your most current indexes, find the handicaps on the slope charts at the course selected. In coed matches, remember to see if additional handicap adjustment is necessary by find the “course ratings” for the red and white tees. If the difference is 0.5 or greater, further adjustment is needed. Determine the difference and round off to the nearest whole number (0.5 or greater will be rounded up). This whole number should be added to the handicap of the player who is playing from the more highly rated tees. If the player receiving strokes is female, be sure they are given on the women’s rated holes, not the men’s.
- Within same sex matches, the higher handicapper will designate which of 3 courses the lower handicapper may choose to play.
a. In co-ed matches, the female player will designate the 3 courses even if her handicap is lower than that of the male player’s.
- Players shall play their matches on a mutually agreeable date, women from the red tees and men from the white tees.
- A progressive cash prize will be awarded for match winners.
- Only winners will be paid.
- All monies will be paid at the conclusion of the final round (Championship).
- A winner of each match must be determined by the stated deadline, and reported to me immediately after the match. NO exceptions.
a. If a match date cannot be mutually agreed upon within the stated time frames for each round, the players can have a putting contest, flip a coin, etc., It does not matter so long as the method is mutually agreed upon. A name must be provided to me or both will be eliminated.
- Players may choose to use the monthly OCGC tournament as their match site. They may match cards at the end of the tournament if they are not paired together.
- As far as ties goes, ask the starter if you can play sudden death. If not, have a putting contest. In either case, the player who last held the “honor” should continue.
- If any conflicts cannot be resolved, the NCGA rules for match play are to be followed. Information with respect to this can be found at the NCGA website at http://www.usga.org/rules/faq/index.html
- Any controversies arising on any hole must be resolved before the next hole is played. However, if unable to resolve, you may play a second ball until the controversy is resolved.
- If resolution is still not made, FINAL determination will be decided by a committee comprised of three members from the OCGC Board of Directors.
The $20 entry fees from the 32 entrants and the $200 club contribution will provide for a total pot of $840. The 1st match winners will receive $20 each; 2nd match winners $25; 3rd match winners $30; and 4th match winners $40. The final round (Championship) between the remaining 2 players is worth $120 to the winner.